‘Using Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) for Teaching and Learning’ is a National Forum open resource developed in partnership with colleagues across the Irish higher education sector. As such, this space reflects our collaborative commitment to developing critical open education capabilities for positive individual, institutional, sectoral and societal change.
Four topics are covered in ‘Using OER and OEP for Teaching and Learning’ (all accessible from the menu at the top or navigation bar to the right):
- Understanding open – introduction to open education, OER and OEP
- Using OER – understanding open licensing and copyright; finding, evaluating and attributing OER
- Creating OER – licensing and sharing your own OER
- Using OEP – using open pedagogy and OEP
The aims for sharing this open resource are twofold. Firstly, we hope that the content and curated resources will be useful to individuals seeking to learn more about using OER and OEP, as well as for staff who are supporting the use of OEP in their own contexts. Secondly, we invite open conversation and feedback on these resources as we go on to develop an open course in this area. Whether you are an expert or novice user of OER/OEP, or anywhere in between, we welcome your feedback. We invite you to share your comments and feedback in any of the following ways:
- Email admin@teachingandlearning.ie with your feedback or further queries
Thank you for your interest.