This pages lists all references and resources used across this site. You can scroll to see the full list or click on the categories shown:
All Resources
The following infographics carry a CC BY licence and can be reused in any context, e.g. as teaching/training materials, along with an attribution to the National Forum.
- Laurillard, D. (2012). Teaching as a design science: building pedagogical patterns for learning and technology.
- Achieve. (2011). Rubrics for evaluating Open Education Resource (OER) Objects.
- Athlone Institute of Technology. (n.d.). OER Libguide.
- BCcampus. (2014). Adapting open textbooks workshop.
- BCcampus. (n.d.). Open Textbooks Review Rubric.
- BCOEL Librarians Working Group. (2018). Open Education Resource Repository (OERR) Rubric.
- College Libraries Ontario. (2021). OER Toolkit – Curating.
- Irish Copyright Licensing Agency. (2020). User guidelines for the Higher Education License 2020.
- ISKME. (2017). Comprehensive OER evaluation tool.
- Jefferson CC. (2020). Open Educational Resources (OER): ADAPT.
- Katz, K. (2019). Creating a remix on OER Commons.
- Lalonde, C. (2013). 6 steps to modifying an Open Textbook.
- Lansing CC Library. (n.d.). OER evaluation criteria.
- Maynooth University. (n.d.) OER Libguide.
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2019). The National Forum Open Licensing Toolkit.
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2020). How to Choose an Open License.
- New Media Rights. (2020). Best practices for Creative Commons attribution – how to attribute works you reuse under a Creative Commons license.
- NUI Galway. (2021). Library & Research Know-How (LARK).
- NUI Galway. (n.d.). OER Libguide.
- OpenLearn Create. (2017). How to create and share OER – Remixing OER.
- Rcampus. (2021). OER Assessment Rubric.
- Sewell, C. (2020). Introduction to Creative Commons Licenses Quiz.
- SUNY OER Services. (2018). Exploring editing tools.
- Technological University Dublin. (n.d.). Copyright guidelines.
- UNESCO. (2010). The ABC of copyright.
Open textbooks
- Aesoph, L.M. (2016). Adaptation Guide.
- Cuillier, C., Hofer, A., Johnson, A., Labadorf, K., Potter, P., Saunders, R. & Walz, A. (2016). Modifying an open textbook: What you need to know.
- DeRosa, R. & Jhangiani, R. (2018). Open Pedagogy. In: Mays, E. (Ed.) (2017). A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students.
- Elder, A.K. & Katz, S. (2020). The OER Starter Kit Workbook.
- Hoffman, K. D. & Clifton, A. (2020). Open pedagogy approaches: Faculty, library and student collaborations.
- ISKME. (2009). The “How Tos” of OER Commons – What is Localization?
- Mays, E. (Ed.) (2017). A Guide to Making Open Textbooks with Students.
- Weller, M. (2014). The battle for open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory.
OER repositories/platforms
- Athlone Institute of Technology. (n.d.) OER index per subject.
- George Mason University. (2019). The Mason OER Metafinder.
- MERLOT. (n.d.). Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching
- OAPEN Foundation. (2020). Directory of Open Access Books.
- OER Commons. (2021). Open Educational Resources Search.
- SUNY Geneseo’s Milne Library. (n.d.). Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS).
- Algers, A. (2019). Open Textbooks: A balance between empowerment and disruption. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25.
- Bali, M., Cronin, C., & Jhangiani, R. (2020). Framing Open Educational Practices from a social justice perspective. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1).
- Cronin, C. (2017). Openness and praxis: Exploring open educational practices in higher education. International Review of Research in Online and Distance Learning, 18(5).
- Cronin, C. (2019). Open education: Design and policy considerations. In H. Beetham, & R. Sharpe (Eds.), Rethinking pedagogy for a digital age: Principles and practices of design, 3rd Ed.
- Hilton, J., Lutz, N. & Wiley, D.A. (2012). Examining the reuse of open textbooks. International Review of Distance and Online Learning, 13(2).
- Intellectual Property Office of Ireland. (2019). Copyright and Related Rights.
- Lambert, S. (2018). Changing our (dis)course: A distinctive social justice aligned definition of open education. Journal of Learning for Development, 5(3).
- Lambert, S., & Czerniewicz, L. (Eds.) (2020). Open Education and Social Justice [Special Issue]. Journal of Interactive Media in Education.
- McAndrew, E. (2017). Wikipedia in the classroom: Developing information literacy, online citizenship and digital research skills. Medium.
- National Forum Collaborative research Project: UL, DIT, NUIG & RCSI. (2015). Learning resources and open access in higher education institutions in Ireland.
- Nascimbeni, F. & Burgos, D. (2016). In search for the Open Educator: Proposal of a definition and a framework to increase openness adoption among university educators. International Review of Research in Online and Distance Learning 17(6).
- Nascimbeni, F., Burgos, D., Campbell, L.M. & Tabacco, A. (2018). Institutional mapping of open educational practices beyond use of Open Educational Resources. Distance Education, 39(4).
- Nobre, T. (2017). Copyright and education in Europe: 15 everyday cases in 15 countries. COMMUNIA.
- Risquez, A., McAvinia, C., Desmond, Y., Bruen, C., Ryan, D., & Coughlan, A. (2020). Towards a devolved model of management of OER? The case of the Irish higher education sector.
- Sinkinson, C. (2018). The values of Open Pedagogy. EDUCAUSE Review.
- Tur, G., Havemann, L., Marsh, D., Keefer, J. M., & Nascimbeni, F. (2020). Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework. Research in Learning Technology, 28.
- Wiley, D. (n.d.). Defining the “Open” in Open Content and Open Educational Resources.
- Ewing, R. (2020). Thinking about adapting a textbook: Tips we learned along the way.
- Filmmaker IQ. (2017). The history and philosophy of copyright.
- Global Digital Library. (2019). Cable Green explaining Creative Commons and OER in 2 minutes.
- Joint Research Centre, EU Science Hub. (2018). Open educational practices: Open sharing of pedagogies – Dr Catherine Cronin
- Mireles, N. (2012). Open education matters: Why is it important to share content?
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (2019). An introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) & Open Licensing.
- Rebus Community. (2020). Making Open Textbooks: A video guide.
- University of Guelph Library (2018). What are Creative Commons Licenses?
- Whelan, D. & Cronin, C. (2020). EDTL webinar: Copyright law and open licenses for digital learning.
- BCcampus. (n.d.). What is Open Education?
- CC Wiki. (2013). Considerations for licensors and licensees.
- COMMUNIA. (n.d.). About.
- Creative Commons. (n.d.). About the licenses.
- Creative Commons. (n.d.). Explore/Choose creative commons licenses.
- Creative Commons. (n.d.). Search.
- Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. (n.d.). Copyright.
- DeRosa, R. (2016). My open textbook: Pedagogy and practice.
- EDUCAUSE. (2021). Homepage.
- European Commission, EU Science Hub. (2016). Open Education/OpenEdu Framework.
- Flickr. (n.d.). Search.
- Intellectual Property Office of Ireland. (n.d.). Copyright.
- Intellectual Property Office of Ireland. (n.d.). Duration of Copyright Protection.
- Irish Copyright Licensing Agency. (n.d.). About Copyright.
- Irish Copyright Licensing Agency. (n.d.). Higher Education.
- National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. (n.d.). Homepage.
- OEF. (n.d.). Open educators factory.
- OER Commons. (n.d). Open Educational Resources (OER) support equity and flexibility.
- OER Commons. (n.d.) OER Commons and Open Education.
- OER Commons. (2021). Open Educational Resources Search.
- Open Education Challenge series. (n.d.). Bite-sized learning for busy educators.
- Open Scholarship Community Galway. (2021). Blog.
Pressbooks. (n.d.). Homepage. - SHOUT4HE Project. (n.d.). Sharing open education practices using technologies.
- Slideshare. (n.d.). Browse.
- SoundCloud. (n.d.). Search.
- UNESCO. (2019). Open Educational Resources (OER).
- UNESCO. (2020). Call for joint action: Supporting learning and knowledge sharing through Open Educational resources OER).
- United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2020). Goal 4, Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2015). The 17 goals.
- Unsplash. (n.d.). Search.
- Vimeo. (n.d.). Homepage.
- YouTube. (n.d.). Search.
- Wiley, D. (n.d.). Improving learning blog.